Recommendations and alerts of minors and parents to the Internet

With summer vacations and free time probably many children find an escape route on the Internet to entertain, play, chat and access content which in the school period is more limited. We remember that kids are increasingly hustler and have a lot of ease to learn, exchange content, search, create and share. They are also freelancers, multitasking and don't get scared using ICT being investigators, consumers and also producers of pages, videos, images, etc.

As parents we have to reflect and prepare ourselves to face these new challenges and entertainment of our children. And we are not alone, There are many pages on the Internet where we can find help, and also our children, to win in education, in training and in responsibility using the Network. Among the most important references that should be known is the National Police of Spain who are doing spectacular dissemination work with a language management on the Internet admirable. And, besides turning to citizen service, they handle social networks with great ease and are a world reference.

Among the tips that remind us, are the following:

  • Take special care with photos, videos and content of all kinds that are shared on the Internet
  • Taking pictures of an erotic nature and / or sharing them is always a mistake. It can cause situations of blackmail or sexual cyberbullying or harassment in the school environment
  • Recording or "passing" this type of images of other people in order to harm them is a crime

And we are not alone because parents can also find among the tips Police the following:

  • Create a climate of trust with your child to talk and share experiences
  • Give your children guidelines for the correct use of social networks and smartphones
  • Participate when your child connects to the Internet to see what content they access
  • Make your child aware of the advantages, but also of the risks, offered by the Internet
  • Alert your child of the risk of intimate online with unknown people. Explain that you should not meet anyone you have met through the Internet without consulting an adult
  • If your child informs you of content that has made him feel uncomfortable (of a sexual nature), give it the importance that it really has and report it
  • Use programs that filter access to certain content

In Peques and More | The National Police Corps has a web page with information for children Image | Diego, 6 years old, on the Police page