The behavior of children and how far their responsibility goes

Peques y Más is a blog that presents content for kids between 5 and 12 years old. It is an age range in which boys and girls have many changes in their behavior and although for us they will always be our children and we will tend to overprotection the truth is that we have to be aware and be attentive to see their evolution and instill a growing responsibility in their actions, especially as their autonomy grows and increases.

Dr. Santi said that:

"If a child has a problematic behavior at school the problem is at school, if it only occurs at home, the problem is at home and if it happens in both the problem is the child"

And is that as children grow they can begin to show symptoms that are masked or that, as parents, do not pay excessive attention. I think it is very important to keep a distance with them although it is essential talk with the kids, know their concerns and review their behaviors. That is why it is very good to share experiences with them and analyze their responses.

And it is that when we approach our children, in addition to them thanking them and showing us with their love, we have to be able to see if they have skills to organize, to solve their problems, to propose solutions, to maintain a reasonable conversation. , if they behave without excessive mood swings, if they are able to look for hobbies and entertainment (team sport is one of the best options to accept their responsibility), if they make argued comments or empty content, etc.

I think that the 12 years, deadline of age that we treat in Peques and Más mark a turning point in the behavior of children that is enhanced with the entry into Secondary and with the many hormonal changes in their body.

And although we fathers / mothers have to be aware and attentive they will have to increase your responsibility, boost your self-esteem and especially stop looking for overprotection. I think one of the good things about the crisis, if you can have something good, is the need that a generation will have to look for a decent future, although I fear that very little stable, and espabilar because their competition is not in Spain and they will have to compete with any young person from any part of the world.

So start to see how your little ones behave especially when they demand more space, when they manifest more autonomy, when they test and learn and when compared to others. Although his age is one of the causes of this behavior our obligation as parents is to encourage them to define their responsibility and refine their attitude towards the future.