Remove the diaper, is summer the best time?

We are already in summer and the withdrawal of the diaper is a classic at this time. Summer and remove the diaper, two events that are linked as potatoes and ketchup, pizza and football and mobile and thumb. Thousands of children are these days trying to understand why their parents have suddenly removed their diapers and why they want them to do everything now somewhere else.

Now, although we all take it for granted that the time to remove the diaper is summer, we should ask ourselves if this society that seems inseparable really is, If summer is the best time and if it would not be better than it was the boy who told us when the best time is.

We put the diaper on

The first thing to keep in mind is that we put the diaper, parents. They are born without a diaper with a particularity: they are so immature that they are not able to control the sphincters and go peeing and pooping all day everywhere. This is obviously a problem for parents, that if we didn't use a diaper we would have to be cleaning clothes, sheets, floors and ourselves all day.

Then, because it suits us, we put a diaper on them and we get used to them to do whatever they want there. There are cultures where this is not done (see how they do it in China), either because they don't have diapers, or because they don't have the means to acquire them. They make use of the communication of the elimination and in that way they get the child to be relatively autonomous very soon, even before they start talking.

But for us it's complicated, because we don't always have a place to run with the baby to do what he has to do, so for convenience we put the diaper on them, we get used to them and we decide unilaterally when it's time to take it off.

It's the children who should take off the diaper

For delicacy, for respect, and for logic, since controlling the sphincters is a maturation process, the children are the ones who should decide when to take off the diaper. However, summer comes when the child is two years old and everything is pressure. The family that why do not you take it away, the pediatrician who is already two years old and that the diaper no longer has to be taken, the friends that how do you do nothing and you who do not see yourself saying that is "I want to it is he who takes it away. "

However, it is so, or it should be. Controlling the sphincters is not something you learn to do because parents want to. Thousands of parents have removed their children's diapers this summer and thousands of children are still pissing and pooping (sorry ... if you prefer I can say urinating and defecating) everywhere. The parents, despite the fact that the child shouts at them that "I don't know how it goes," they remain obstinate in teaching him and in the end they will get it, maybe in days, maybe in weeks, maybe months.

I have already explained it once, but I repeat it. A child educator once told me that you have to persist, that you have to be on top of the child to do it well, because in the end you get to learn, and that there are children that sometimes take months to learn, but thanks to the insistence in the end they understand and do it well.

The error is concept. Control the sphincters is not learned because someone teaches you. You learn it because you are prepared to do it. A child who has been doing everything everywhere for months because adults have conspired to not wear another diaper is a child who nobody understands and a child who might well have been in those months with a diaper, and then leave it at a time when he would have been able to control.

And if we let them, when would they take them off?

The big question is, when would they be taken away? I answer with one depends on each child. When does a child start walking? When do you start talking? It depends on the maturity or interest that the child has in that matter. There are children who walk with eleven months and children who do not do so until 17, there are children who say many things a year and there are others who do not let go until they have two.

To see it in figures, according to Haizea-Llevant psychomotor development studies, at 30 months of age only 50% of children control the sphincters. That is two and a half years and it is the time when (almost) every adult, educator, pediatrician, neighbor and "understood" says that he no longer has to wear a diaper. Serious mistake, if only half of the children are able to control it.

At 36 months, when the child is 3 years old, 75% of the children control the sphincters. At that age many children already enter school and a quarter still do not control the subject well, in fact, it is difficult to see a 3-year-old boy with a diaper because few people see him well ("so big and with a diaper") .

At 42 months, when the child is 3 and a half years old, 95% of the children control it. That is to say, there are still 5% of children who will learn to control their sphincters on the road to four.

If we did not remove the diaper, if we did not bother them with the matter, the children would take the diaper off four or five years, perhaps later, for a matter of course. Used to always do it there, even if they were able to control, they would continue to do it the same way. In fact, many children who control the sphincters and go without a diaper ask for one to poop because they feel safer. They put it on, poop and take it off. The day they got tired of the diaper, that they realized that it is not cool to go pissed or shitty and that in the end that gets hotter than anything else, they would take it off, they would give it to us and they would say "mom, dad, no more diaper". And at that time they would start doing it in the WC.

I removed them in summer

With all this I just want to tell you that the best moment is the moment when children already know how to control sphincters, whether summer, winter, autumn or spring. Now, after explaining all this I confess: I removed them in summer.

Why ?, you will ask me. Well, very simple, because summer is the season of the year that precedes the entrance of the school, and as the school is a place where they do not want to see a diaper (something that shows that in the schools do not always take into account the maturation processes of the children), we had to remove the diaper yes or yes.

Jon and Aran (Guim not yet, who is just over a year old) left the diaper the summer before entering school, having both 3 years and 7 months. If at school they had allowed them to wear a diaper, if they understood that not all children are prepared to go without a diaper (more than one comes out on p3 almost every day with spare and dirty clothes in a plastic bag), do not we would have taken it off in summer, but we would have waited for them to take it off.

Since it has to be removed, in summer it seems easier

Finally, swallowing with the norm of the schools (as we swallow with many more meaningless things), since it must be removed it seems easier for everyone in summer because the boy or girl can go naked at home. As it is hot, you can pee in any corner and poop anywhere and it is a perfect way for them to see what they just did. That they know their urine (when they go to the diaper they do not see it) and know their poop (we lay them on their backs and remove the dirty diaper, they do not know it either) That is the first step to gradually understand that it is better to release all that in a place other than the ground.

Returning to my children, it was a matter of a few days (I would say that after 3-4 days the two had caught him), thanks to that, to do it there and arrive to us to tell them that dad and mom do it in the WC, So we don't stain the ground, etc. The process must be done. always with respect, without bad words or threats, without punishment or rewards, in a natural way. Remember that it was we who got used to the diaper, the last thing they deserve is that we get angry with them for something they carry because we were doing well.