My baby is not well placed, what can I do?

Most babies are placed in a cephalic position, with their heads on the mother's pelvis, between week 28 and week 32 of pregnancy, but some remain in another position, buttocks or transverse, weeks later. This usually causes a lot of stress to the pregnant woman who wonders what can I do if my baby is not well placed.

The most important thing, as matron Marina Fernández told us, is to be calm. It is not something rare or uncommon, up to 4% of babies are not in the cephalic position at the time of delivery. In addition, the baby can turn at any time, even at the end of pregnancy. Although the larger the more unlikely it will be to turn, especially if it is a first-time mother.

Why isn't my baby well placed?

In many cases the reason why a baby is not in a cephalic position at the end of pregnancy is never known, but there are certain factors that can make our baby more likely to adopt another position:

  • In multiparous mothers who have already had several children and whose uterus is usually more dilated giving more space for the baby to move.
  • When there is too much amniotic fluid or too little.
  • In cases of previous placenta.
  • In multiple pregnancies.
  • When he uterus has an abnormal shape or growth, or has certain abnormalities such as fibroids.
  • In mothers with a history of premature births.

What position is my baby in then?

Normally, if your baby is not in a cephalic position, it is that of the buttocks sitting on your pelvis. Within the breech presentation there are three variants:

  • Candid buttocks: The baby has stretched legs and feet near the head.
  • Podicic: the feet are ahead on the mother's pelvis.
  • Full buttocks: sitting like a buddha on his heels.

Finally, a small proportion of babies are in cross position in the mother's abdomen.

What can I do to help my baby turn around?

If you see that your pregnancy is progressing and your baby is not well placed there are several exercises and positions that you can try to help you turn.

  • Swim to breaststroke Regularly it is an excellent exercise so that your baby can be placed in a cephalic position since it helps the relaxation of the pelvis and muscles of the abdomen so that the baby can turn more easily.
  • Control our posture throughout the day. There is nothing worse than spreading on the couch. For an optimal position of the baby the ideal is sit upright with your back slightly tilted forward. It is also better sleep on your side That face up.
  • Put music or light on your gut near the pelvis that can attract the baby's attention and encourage him to turn towards the source of light or sound.
  • Other recommended exercises are all those that disengage the baby from the pelvis so that he has more freedom to turn around like get on your knees on the floor and rest your head on your forearms on the ground, or do the pine with help in the pool.
  • First of all be calm and relaxed, it may be the only thing you need for your baby to decide to turn around.

What professional help can I look for?

There are several procedures you can try to make your baby turn with the help of professionals.

  • You can go to a professional in acupuncture to try the moxibustion, an ancient Chinese technique in which very strong heat is applied to the little finger of the foot to relax the uterus and intensify the movements of the baby.
  • You can also look for a chiropractor with experience in applying the Webster's technique to restore balance and proper pelvic function.
  • Finally, you can look for a gynecologist with experience in performing a external cephalic version, a manual procedure by which the doctor tries to turn the baby with a massage on your abdomen.

And if it still does not turn and what options do I have?

If your baby is still misplaced when your due date approaches, your gynecologist should evaluate whether you are a candidate suitable for breech birth or if it is better opt for a caesarean section To avoid unnecessary risks.

In any case, do not worry, it is most likely that your baby will turn on time and, if he does not, your doctor can guide you to have the best possible delivery. But it's always good to know that yes your baby is not well placed there are many things you can still do.

Video: Tips to get your baby & toddler to eat well (May 2024).