Dads and Moms Blogs (CXCVI)

As every Tuesday we will offer you a brief review of the blogs of moms and dads of the network, presenting the posts that we liked the most.

Pilar, from Parenting he reflects on the equality of sexes and rights, stopping to talk about couples that "don't help".

Lily in Natural MothersHe asks us a question that I think all parents and educators have to ask ourselves: was the label or attitude born before?

In Minerva and her world We met Carolina, telling us about her experience about night weaning, something that many moms consider at some point during breastfeeding and that can help them find answers.

We have also read, in Milk babies the letter that Valeria writes to those who think about how to raise your baby, which sometimes really is unbearable.

Finally I recommend Yolanda's blog, Mother swallow, which asks us, speaking of conciliation, if being mothers may make us even better workers even if we are not recognized.

We wait for you next Tuesday with a new review of dad and moms blogs. Meanwhile, if you want, you can leave in the comments of this post the address of your blogs so that we can visit them.

Video: Chef Mom vs. Chef Dad Challenge. Kids Try. HiHo Kids (July 2024).