Do you plan to target children to extracurriculars? Which? the question of the week

Surely children already begin to adapt to school, and with October many extracurricular activities begin, for all tastes. Today in our question of the week we want to know:

Do you plan to target children to extracurriculars? Which?

Do you prefer that the children do not do any scheduled activity? Do they ask you any in particular? Or do you decide for schedule problems? There are many reasons why (or not) take children to extracurricular activities, and we would like to know yours.

Last week's question

Seven days ago Lola asked us how you think it would be an ideal school, with the return to school today. And elpaisdelosjuguetes has left us his opinion:

The ideal school would be where creativity and individual capacity of each child will be enhanced. Where the main objective of the teachers was to help children to develop their abilities without labeling, without letting the economic cuts affect the education of children looking for original ideas to address them.

We appreciate the comment with such good ideas and now, the new question of the week Now available in our Answers section. You have seven days to answer it, as well as to vote the responses of others.

Video: High School Help Stress, Bullies, Friends, College (May 2024).