Breakfast cereals, what do they contribute?

Cereals are the seeds of wheat, oats, barley, rye, corn, etc. Come on, what come to be grass plants !, and constitute one of the most important sources of nutrients we have, so they are a commodity in food. Interestingly, the man was able to settle, and stop being nomadic, when he learned to cultivate them.

The cultivation of any cereal is relatively simple and inexpensive, so all civilizations that have inhabited the planet have taken it as source of vitamins, minerals, proteins, among other nutrients.

The main cereals consumed are wheat, rice, rye, corn, barley, and oats. It is said that a well-fed country consumes little more than 160 kilos per person per year, through its different modalities. A country with deficiencies in food will be below 90 kilos.

What are cereals?

They are characterized because the seed and the fruit are the same thing. They are composed of the husk that is composed of cellulose fibers that contain vitamin B1, the germ that contains unsaturated fats, and the internal almond that is made up of starch.

It should be noted that their nutritional wealth, in addition to proteins, vitamins and minerals, is in its bioavailability, and in its very varied ways of preparing and processing them.

Cereals are a wonderful food that It can be prepared in many exquisite ways. Wheat is consumed through bread, cookies, cakes, or pasta, in refined or whole wheat flour, and even all kinds of drinks are made. In the diet of children, cereals have the same importance as for adults, and whole cereals are also a good option.

Let's add cereals to our diets and our little ones to help us, in a balanced diet, to face the challenges of everyday life.

In Tips Teddy LULU | Breakfast, one of the important meals of the day. Why? Photos | @quidproquoq

Video: Best & Worst Breakfast Cereals For Health & Weight Loss (May 2024).