November is the month of art at the National Geographic Store Madrid

On Saturdays 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 November from 12:30 to 13:30 you can go to the National Geographic Madrid Store from Gran Vía street in Madrid to participate in art workshops where many artistic disciplines will be worked on.

He November 2 start with the music. It is about making a trip to Prehistory to know the instruments they used and how they were manufactured. He November 9 the workshop is dedicated to ceramics. It is an artistic discipline that, as we know, has had great importance in history to facilitate the conservation and preparation of food. The ceramics began to work in the Neolithic and the goal is for children to become cavemen to make a small ceramic bowl and decorate it as our ancestors did.

He Nov. 16 the workshop of rock art. In this activity the little explorers will become authentic shamans of Prehistory and can draw in the most instinctive way. He November 23 will be performed Antiquity games where children will practice skills and intelligence to have a fun time while taking a trip through history. And the November 30 it will work Street art in which the graffiti. In this way the children will know the origin of this spontaneous art and will have the opportunity to become street performers knowing the technique and drawing with total freedom what the children want.

The workshops are dedicated for children between 5 and 12 years. They have a price of 5 euros and the capacity is 60 seats per workshop. Tickets can be obtained on the store page at the link below.

It seems to me that the activities that National Geographic Store Madrid is proposing are very interesting and also the store and the catering offer are an additional incentive. And if that seems not enough, the surroundings, the Gran Vía in Madrid and the center of the capital, are an enormous attraction to shop around the store and spend a long and very pleasant morning with the kids.

Video: Shop Online @ (July 2024).