This year we Europeans will celebrate Christmas with more moderation but the same joy

Do you remember when we said last year that families were going to buy less toys but more expensive? Well, that fact occurred as a result of the loss of purchasing power, and as the situation has not improved much that we say, we are in the prelude to moderate Christmas parties as they once were.

Personally it is not something that worries me, because consumerism detracts from the meaning of Christmas (so that I say this that I am not a believer ...), although of course, I understand that brands, companies and merchants have a certain concern to maintain a level of Acceptable sales.

It is estimated that in Europe, some parties will be held again in which celebration, gifts and family gatherings prevail around more or less abundant tables, yes: the continent will also be affected by consumption. At least that is what emerges from a study by Euromonitor, which also highlights the main market trends. If you know someone who comes from Eastern Europe, you may recognize a characteristic that they point out from Euromonitor (which by the way is a world leader in the research strategy for consumer markets), and that is there Spiritual aspects are given more importance, and fewer gifts are exchanged than in the West. I know families from Romania, Moldova and Ukraine, and I am surprised at the ability to gather loved ones despite the distance, in addition to the fact that (and this is what the study coincides with), they give great importance to the 'home' as a meeting place, and That's why their kitchens are usually open and they leave delicacies to share.

I think that the Spanish tradition still retains these traits, but consumerism here entered with more force, although now many are forced to moderate

The conclusion of the Euromonitor report, shows that the majority of European consumers, will continue making efforts to achieve a merry Christmas, yes, relying on a saving of expendable products. On the other hand they may be more generous with others.

But we go with those trends that I mentioned:

  • Gifts similar for children and adults, to whom technology joins: tablets, phones, consoles, and other electronic devices.

  • The classic gift is maintained: sports equipment, clothing, bicycles,…

  • In Eastern Europe they are more likely to buy second-hand items and take advantage of offers. In general, ecological or sustainable products will be sought, and will participate in solidarity actions.

  • Maintaining the trend started a few years ago, an important part of the parents have on the Internet, and the websites that facilitate online shopping, an ally.

  • As expected, 'families will look for offers and save on their budgets', economic problems are not going to be forgotten, but we will try to put them in the background for a few days (although not everyone can afford to put them aside, of course).

These are obviously general trends that will not apply to many families, but I think the message of recognize the meaning of Christmas and act accordingly.

Video: Fallout 76: Vault 94 Raids Ft. InnovSurvivalist (July 2024).