Almost 10 percent of newborns are premature

Prematurity is an increasingly frequent phenomenon, but that does not mean that it should be downplayed. In Spain, almost 10 percent of newborns are premature. Exactly, one in every 13 children is born before the 37th week of gestation.

Last week we celebrated International Premature Baby Day, remembering that, due to the delay in the age of maternity and the increase in the use of fertilization techniques, premature births have grown significantly in the last two decades.

Prematurity Causes 75% of newborns income in Spanish hospitals and although the advances in treatments, as well as the pharmacological advances and new technologies have allowed to improve survival and avoid many of the sequelae in babies, those born early face greater risks compared to children born I finish it. Both after delivery and throughout its development.

Complications occur in most cases immediately after childbirth, with the need for mechanical ventilation due to respiratory distress, digestive problems that make it difficult to feed, difficulty in thermoregulation or hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

The treatments are increasingly based on the humanization of the baby's environment, to try to make him feel as close as possible to when he was in the womb. Skin-to-skin contact is encouraged and parents are involved in the child's development, favoring the link to improve their recovery.

Parents have created the National Federation of Premature Associations

When a premature child is born, parents face a difficult situation to handle. Crowd of feelings and emotions are manifested in that moment so disconcerting.

The experience of other parents who have been through the same is of great help in these cases, for this, among other things, the National Federation of Premature Associations has been created.

To provide support as well as to claim the rights of children and their families in favor of equal opportunities, this association was born, as well as to support the study and scientific research to prevent the causes of prematurity and reduce its complications and serious consequences.

Video: Managing Risks for Premature Babies (July 2024).