Do you already have a cold at home? So take good care of the children, and don't worry that they usually heal on their own

Do you remember when we told you how to protect the health of children when the cold came? Well, today we will delve a little deeper into colds to understand how they are spread, what are the possible treatments and what can we expect when a child becomes ill.

First of all I would like to clarify what is the difference between cold (or cold) and the flu; We found in Canal Salud Mapfre that 'the cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, while the flu is a watery respiratory illness caused by the 'influenza' virus.

Clarified this (many already knew it, right?), We must add that when rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, sneezing or eye irritation, Add fever, muscle aches, tiredness ... We are talking about a flu that can last between five and 10 days, compared to the cold that will surely heal in no more than a week. And now we focus on the cold, an intrusive visitor (who is not invited) in so many Spanish homes during the cold months (and sometimes also in summer). Experienced parents already know that the disease is self-limited, and that even if we did nothing, it would be cured. But what kind of mother would I be if I didn't try to relieve the symptoms when my children catch a cold?

The origin of the cold.

I have read that more than 100 different types of causative viruses can be found, including the most frequent are rhinoviruses. Knowing this, we will understand that it is not possible to get vaccinated against the cold, in addition the defenses of our children also have to work, I suppose.

Colds are a cause of visiting the pediatrician and the Emergency Department, although there are no complications, it can be cured perfectly without leaving home. What is fever? (Why yes, this annoying passenger of the organism is not exclusive of the flu), then let's review these recommendations to act in front of her without fear.

We have said that contrary to what happens with the flu, there is no cold vaccine, but can it be avoided? Well, considering that children spend many hours in contact with each other and the routes of contagion (which we detail later), avoidance would not be impossible but complicated.

It turns out that yes, we can develop this disease by inhaling virus particles that walk (better fly) through the air after someone has coughed or sneezed, but also by direct contact (children who kiss or hug, or touch contaminated surfaces and then put their hands in their mouths). Did I say touch ?, Well then again hand washing can help prevent, so to wash whenever they enter the house (and after eating or going to the bathroom, you know.

For the rest, they can become accustomed from small to cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze, but it is easy that they do not remember, or that the synchronization fails: 'cough and then I cover up', these things happen.

Caring for a sick child.

The parents must be pending to avoid complications, which (these yes) should be observed and treated by a doctor: sinusitis, otitis, purulent conjunctivitis, pneumonia. But do not believe that I am telling you that you do not have to go to the consultation unless there are associated problems, no. Why Any father or mother worried or with doubts to solve, are welcome in front of the pediatrician's table.

We will try to detect these possible complications: if there is yellowish or greenish mucus that lasts more than 10 days, if the child is depressed, if it is difficult for him to breathe, if fever has appeared three or more days ago, if his ears ache ... he does not doubt and go to the doctor.

The cold is of viral origin, therefore no antibiotics (much less without medical indication). The best we can do is wash the nostrils frequently, maximize hygiene, and provide plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration (citrus juices, water, broths). That and maybe use anti-thermal if there is fever, keep the patient comfortable and warm (but not excessively hot). We will also take care of the skin of the face that spoils with so much mucus and sneeze,

Of course, no smoking at home! I mean it, because being a passive smoker increases the chances of catching colds, and does not help anything in recovery. Maintaining a balanced diet with a lot of fruits and vegetables (even if they are in juice or puree so that they swallow better) helps a lot; and let's not rule out massages to relieve muscle aches.

They say that the 'stories of old women are not true', and that children do not catch a cold because they are not well sheltered in the street or go out with wet hair. But what do you want me to say? I know that the cause of a cold is a virus, but It is a risk to protect the body against changes in temperature. I (ssshhh, who do not hear my children) I am to go out with wet hair, and occasionally I have taken a dislike (I say a cold) as a result.