Vitamin D in pregnancy to improve the bone development of the baby

Vitamin D is a nutrient that was not given enough importance in pregnancy. Currently, many experts are considering giving it as a supplement to pregnant women for the benefits that can be observed on the fetus and on the health of the mother.

A deficit of this vitamin is related to low birth weight and language problems in children. In addition, a new study has revealed that also improves baby's bone development.

The research, carried out by specialists from the Obstetrics and Gynecology Service of the Doctor Peset University Hospital in Valencia, consisted of dividing 98 pregnant women into two groups. One group was given a vitamin D supplement from the 20th week of gestation, while the other was not.

They could see that the women who had taken a supplement had higher blood vitamin D levels to those of the second group, approaching the optimum level necessary in pregnancy.

In addition, they could see through 3D ultrasounds that the fetuses of women who had received vitamin D supplements had a upper femoral bone index of the fetuses of the group that was not treated with the supplement.

Vitamin D is also related to the prevention of diseases in the mother such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes or bacterial vaginosis. While on the other hand, its deficit is linked to intrauterine growth retardation and increased risk of cesarean delivery.

Vitamin D is also called the vitamin of the sun, because it is synthesized through the skin cells, with the help of exposure to sunlight. The amount of this vitamin that some foods provide is insufficient to reach adequate levels.

Even living in places with a lot of sun, pregnant women have deficiencies of this vitamin, so in light of the latest studies, recommending a vitamin D supplement to the pregnant woman could be interesting to improve the health of mother and baby.