The best posts on health and nutrition in children of 2013

We continue with our balance of the most outstanding articles that we have published in Babies and More during this year 2013. Today it is the turn of the best posts on health and nutrition in children of 2013.

Surprised by the surprise that Guim's nurse took when she met her menu with 9 months

Armando tells us his personal experience, in one of the routine reviews of one of his children, of how sometimes professionals insist on following manuals without stopping to think or to use logic and common sense.

His son took tetanus without being vaccinated and now they regret

The real case of parents who they decided not to vaccinate their son and now suffer the consequences of their decision and regret it.

Let us all repeat: "Fever is our friend"

Throughout our childhood, our mothers have been fighting fever. Now It seems that you were fighting the wrong enemy.

Children who have a hole in their parents' bed are less overweight

A study states that children who wake up are allowed to sleep in their parents' bed instead of forcing them to return to their own, are less likely to develop obesity at maturity because it is associated with stress levels produced by feelings of frustration and rejection.

Hair or thread tourniquet syndrome: if you cry a lot, undress him!

It's not common, but it can happen to anyone, the strangulation of a baby member by a thread or our hair. Good advice is that if the baby cries and does not calm down, we will undress him in case he has something oppressing some area of ​​his body.

What is educating in values ​​and how is it done?

We explain to you what that everyone talks about and complains about, the lack of values ​​in young people. We talk to you about what is to educate in values ​​and how is it done.

Do all children have a mental disorder?

Mireia tells us about the new DSM Psychiatry manual, made by American specialists, and how they have surpassed the line in the diagnosis of syndromes and deficits perhaps too forced, as well as the excess of medication suffered by the smallest.

But what does breeding with attachment have to do with giving homeopathy, not vaccinating and not giving milk?

In this article we have talked about the false myth that those who educate their children in what is called "parenting with attachment" also practice homeopathy, they are anti-vaccines and some weirdoes.

They find substances "not advisable" in cereal porridge

We analyze a OCU study on cereal porridge and of the substances "little advisable" that have found in some of them. Specifically, aflatoxins, a mycotoxin type, substances produced by molds, dangerous and capable of causing diseases.

Chickenpox in children: everything you need to know

Chickenpox is that disease that sounds very far away to many of us, because most of us have it when we were little, that suddenly comes back to the fore and is made daily again when we have children. In this post We told you everything there was to know about her.