The best interviews of 2013 in Babies and more

The year is already running out and we want to offer you a review of the best of 2013 so that you can recover the most valued posts by our readers throughout the year that ends and enjoy our work again.

This year 2013 in Babies and more we have bet heavily on interviews with experts from all fields related to pregnancy, childbirth, parenting, education and child psychology, in order to approach them directly and that you can have the highest quality content possible. Today, therefore, we will do a review of the best interviews of 2013 in Babies and more.

"Children can learn to capture beauty with their camera." Interview with photographer Rebeca López

The renowned photographer, Rebeca López, director of the Kisikosas website, is today the best known expert in the field of children's photography and teaching this artistic discipline for children.

In the interview conducted by Babies and more in August 2013 he explained how bring children closer to photography and what are the artistic values, techniques and learning they can obtain from it.

"The curiosity about sexuality is innate." Interview with psychologist Edurne Simón

The psychologist Edurne Simón, specialist in child and youth psychology and director of the Thaibaby project in Almería, where workshops and living spaces are offered for parents spoke with Babies and more in depth about child sexuality, its evolution and stages, normal behaviors and Worrying, questions and games.

Understand the stages of sexual development of children It is essential to be able to educate them in this important aspect of their life and help them grow with self-confidence and security.

"The best place for a newborn is the arms of his mother." Interview with Jose Ernesto Juan, of the Besos y Brazos Association

Jose Ernesto Juan, president of the Besos y Brazos Association and co-author of the book "A new paternity" was interviewed in March by Babies and more and explained to us the role he considered the father should have in a loving upbringing and his importance as a caretaker of The mother-baby dyad.

"Let the girls and boys enjoy their childhood." Therapist Elena Mayorga interview

In January Babies and more dealt extensively with the issue of childhood hypersexualization and in that context we interview Elena Mayorga, therapist and co-director of the magazine Mente Libre and one of the most prominent women in the dissemination of issues of parenting and psychology in Spain.

"School and life must go together." Interview with Patricia Vidal Calduch, teacher

In September we conducted several interviews during the return to school in which we discussed how the ideal school would be and spoke with Patricia Vidal Calduch, teacher of Infant Education and Physical Education.

Patricia Vidal has extensive experience in Montessori active schools in Germany and is the creator of the Espacio para Crecer active school (in Almería). She is currently a student of training in White Pedagogy and explained how to take the classroom experiential and creative learning.

"The current school does not address the diversity of learning styles." Interview with Laura Reyes Quintela, educational innovator

In our series of interviews about the ideal school, we also talked with Laura Reyes, one of those responsible for a recreational and educational children's space in Santiago called Luscofusco.

In this interview Laura explained to us how a school should be organized to accommodate all learning styles and outside, really, capable of offering a personalized and quality education.

"The imposed learning generates demotivation". Interview with Liliana Castro Morato, psychologist

Babies and more interviewed in October the psychologist Liliana Castro Morato, director of the Camino Claro Foundation and specialized in childcare that told us about ADHD and how schools should change the way they deal with diversity.

"Many children only show ADHD at school." Interview with the psychologist Cristina Silvente

This year we dedicate enough space in Babies and more to ADHD and interview the psychologist Cristina Silvente who explained that there are many factors that are not ADHD and that can be confused with this, advising that the evaluation is really interdisciplinary.

"The system dehumanizes the teaching practice." Interview with Nayra Álamo, teacher

The teacher Nayra Álamo, who is a professor in the Public Education system, told us when we interviewed her that the system itself forces teachers to take action and teach in a way that is not truly adequate for the needs of children and he told us how it is possible to reverse this situation.

"The secure attachment is the one that suits our society." Interview with the psychologist Teresa García

We finished the selection with the interview with psychologist Teresa García, director of Sin Castigos who, in February, spoke with Babies and more, and did not tell the reasons why A respectful upbringing and secure attachment suits our society it helps people grow up they are self-confident and can act responsibly.