What happens to the body after giving birth? The physical state of the mother after childbirth

We have just gone through one of the most important experiences of our life, which has required nine months of gradual physical changes and at the time of delivery, suddenly, important and sudden new changes. How is the mother physically after childbirth?

In general, we can say that sore and tired, especially in the case of first-time moms and long deliveries, and there are several factors that can overload our body and cause us discomfort. Let's see what are those factors that influence the physical state of the mother after childbirth.

With the arrival of the baby in the world there is a (new) radical hormonal change, which in some women can trigger decay (physical and psychological) and even depression. It is common for this fatigue to cause the feeling that our body is not able to perform even the slightest tasks in the immediate postpartum. Luckily, we will recover strength faster and faster.

Consequence of this hormonal change we can also talk about concomitant effects such as low tension (attention to dizziness the first time we stand up after childbirth), lack of appetite, depression, absent-mindedness ... The help of the couple or close family is important to overcome these and other potholes in the postpartum.

The most difficult physical consequences to cope with are probably the possible scars on the perineum (due to an episiotomy) or caesarean section, with points to be careful to avoid complications. Tears also cause significant discomfort at this time.

Postpartum hemorrhoids are also very frequent, since the effort made in childbirth, together with the increase in snake volume throughout pregnancy, makes it likely that these hemorrhoids appear, inflammation of the veins of the rectum and anus, very annoying. and aggravated by the fact that the mother is likely to suffer constipation.

After giving birth, the process of uterine involution begins, that is, the uterus slowly becomes smaller again until its pre-pregnancy status is restored. This process helps postpartum contractions or contractions that expel the lochia. That's why we will have to carry postpartum compresses for some days.

Maybe this is the stage where more find it hard to fall asleep. We already come from the final stretch of pregnancy with difficulties to sleep, and the baby requires our attention and care at any time of the day or night, since he still does not understand schedules. In addition, our body probably does not fit properly due to possible incisions or hemorrhoids. Then, it is likely that fatigue is exacerbated by lack of rest and sleep.

The rise of milk is a natural mechanism after childbirth, which could cause some discomfort in the mother by the vascularization of the breasts, such as breast pain, burning, tenderness ... Fortunately, they are sensations that all mothers do not perceive as pain, and they pass very soon.

The belly after delivery is like a freshly emptied bag that does not return to its place (it will take time to do so). This, which is an absolutely normal process, may cause concern to some mothers who, influenced by the media and "pink" content, believe that it is normal to be great within a few days of giving birth.

The body of the woman who just had a baby it will take a long time to recover its appearance before pregnancy. We have several kilos left over even if the baby is no longer inside us: lots of retained fluids, lochia ... the body will gradually recover, but it will even be a matter of months if we lead a healthy lifestyle.

After childbirth, the abdominal muscles are weakened, which aggravates constipation problems (and consequently, hemorrhoids). Also the pelvic floor is also very relaxed, so it is advisable to continue with postpartum exercises, such as kegel, beneficial for this area.

Food and physical exercise (when our body allows us, and gradually) combine to gradually recover our previous weight (or at least get close enough). Physical well-being will help us to be better emotionally too.

Do not demand too much of ourselves at this stage of important physical (and psychic) ​​changes, ask for help from our close people when we consider it necessary and flee from isolation, talking with these people and with other recent mothers of everything that happens to us are tips to cope with a better postpartum.

Remember that the baby is already here, we are getting to know him little by little and that it is a matter of time before everything looks much simpler. The state of our body after giving birth It also gradually normalizes to help it.

Photos | Mike Renlund and Mothering touch on Flickr-CC In Babies and more | Most women suffer from postpartum disorders, the rise in milk after childbirth, how to avoid problems ?, What is quarantine?