What is the syothermal method for?

Yesterday we explained in Babies and More what is the synthetic method and what is its basic operation.

The applications it has are numerous and for that reason we find it interesting to dedicate a post to explain what is the syothermal method for and how you can help us in our daily life.

If we were to summarize in a few words that the syothermal method gives us, a good synthesis would be to say that we carry out the observation and analysis of the signs of fertility that our body emits It allows us to have a deep knowledge of how our menstrual cycle works and, by extension, how our body responds to the changes that it cyclically experiences in each of our periods.

That is, beyond the interest we may have in knowing our fertility thoroughly, the syothermal method helps us understand how our body works more globally. To give an example, in those women who suffer migraines related to hormonal changes of the period, understanding and anticipating the different phases of their menstrual period can serve to improve the way in which they treat and prevent these annoying pains, which can reach Be so disabling.

Knowing with certainty how your menstrual cycle works is a great help for women with irregular menstrual cycles or who, being regular, are especially short or especially long. Although the menstrual cycle of women is set at 28 days, the truth is that there are few women who move away from this figure. Some gynecologists are little given to explain that these variations are normal and do not pose more challenge to the fertility of women than to banish certain misconceptions that are very established, such as that ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the cycle, for example.

Through an example we can understand in a practical way how the syothermal can help us. We have a woman whose menstrual cycles are usually around 35 days. Following the popular knowledge, this woman believes that she ovulates on the 14th day of the cycle and that the remaining 20 or 21 days what happens is that "her rule is delayed." This woman is trying to conceive, so she spends almost three weeks for each cycle suffering from a possible pregnancy that, if she centers her efforts around that hypothetical day 14, will never come.

After months, go to the gynecologist, who decides to perform hormonal tests to determine how to ovulate. These analyzes ask for that standard figure, that is, for that 14-15 cycle day, resulting in the girl not ovulating and initiating a process that can end, for example, in a first ovulation induction treatment with comifleno (which will sound to many under its best-known trademark, Omifin).

What's going on? It happens that the periods of this girl, within having some irregularity, are long cycles. After performing the syothermal method for several months, it detects that its luteal phase (the phase that goes from ovulation to menstruation) is 13 days, that is, it has no problem during this phase. It also detects that it usually ovulates around day 21-22 of the cycle and not around day 14, as the canons send. Therefore, by performing the hormonal analyzes on the days when they had been requested, an erroneous result had been obtained. This girl does ovulate, what happens is that she doesn't ovulate when theoretically I would have to do it but later, to be exact, a week later. Having these data in hand, they begin to focus their efforts on the days that are really fertile in their case and not the ones marked by the calendar, and in a few months they become pregnant naturally, without having to resort to any treatment, which does not It was necessary.

So, The synergistic method can help us to find a pregnancy to also find out in a non-invasive way if everything is correct in our cycle. Some problems are not such once we discover how our body works.

Having the extensive knowledge that the syothermal method gives us about our fertility, we can make the decision to use it as a contraceptive method. Well used, and with the responsibility it requires, its effectiveness is even higher than that of the condom.

As for this use, there is some controversy or, rather, different moral / ethical and practical approaches that depend on the approach that each couple wants to give:

  • For some, to consider abstinence during fertile days is unthinkable and they consider that it is not possible to call a contraceptive a method that suggests not having sexual relations with freedom. However, nothing prevents that, during the fertile days, the couple chooses to use barrier contraceptives, and during the rest of the cycle they suppress them.

  • Other couples, on the other hand, consider that part of the conjugal love is to share the responsibility of their own fertility and that it is part of a more conscious and respectful relationship with the woman's body and natural cycles.

And you, have you used the synergistic method? What is your experience with him? Has it helped you to know your body better?