First departure to the Hua Zui Ba and Xing Bao pagoda at the Zoo Aquarium in Madrid

In Peques and Más we have seen grow Xing Bao since birth. Five months later and with sufficient autonomy, Xing Bao, the giant panda bear (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) of Zoo Aquarium in Madrid, has starred in his first solo ride under the watchful eye of his mother Hua Zui Ba and the expectation of their caregivers. Until now, you could only visit the child in the crib installed in the pagoda during the weekends while, the rest of the time, he remained in the interior bedroom next to his mother where she was exclusively dedicated to breastfeeding in a more environment safe and quiet.

Xing Bao has already completed five months and, for the first time, the panda bear male has already starred in his first steps inspecting the pagoda thus honoring the expectation he has awakened since his birth. Now it has more than 10 kilos of weight and has become a beautiful panda of playful and robust character that does not stop to test the patience from Hua Zui Ba as you can see in the video.

And it is that, and under the constant supervision of this, both do not fail to offer endearing snapshots in which the mother chases the cub to the highest areas of the pagoda to take it by the neck and deposit it in a safe place. Also Xing Bao imitates his mother, sucking bamboo shoots sitting next to her while she is in the process of teething. Xing Bao already shows his first incisors and canines that he will start using in a couple of months, when he starts chewing the first bamboo leaves.

In this new stage of mother and child in the pagoda we can go to see the usual and surprising gestures of the panda maternity in which both are made a ball playing while breeding is cradled in the lap or the simple and exciting gesture of witnessing how these large land mammals that reach 130 kilos in adulthood and in the case of the male are breastfed.

Will have to wait until spring for the official presentation in prairie, once Xing Bao can make the first foreign incursions with greater security and independence.