"Yesterday and today": A poem for Father's Day (2014)

Today is day 18 and that means tomorrow is Father's Day. It is very possible that you have already prepared some detail for the creature's dad (or the creatures). In fact, I am expectant to see what my children bring me from school, since every year they make some surprise for us.

Whatever the gift or the way you will congratulate your partner, and the children to their parents, it is always appreciated a poem or writing with which to say, with beautiful words, how important they are. That's why this year, and like every year, I bring you a poem for Father's Day I have written trying to put myself in the place of children, of our children. This time it is titled "Yesterday and today". I hope you like it.

Yesterday and today

Yesterday I saw you cry, dad, when you just came out you hugged mom and me,
yesterday I saw you smile, dad, when I grabbed your finger with my hand,
I saw you happy, Dad, and I felt you, when you put me on your chest, to sleep,
and I saw you capable, when you calmed me in your arms, hugging my body.

Yesterday I saw you cry, dad, when without you waiting I talked about you,
yesterday I saw you smile, dad, when my game was to fuck your hair,
I saw you happy, Dad, and that's how I felt, when we played in the April sun,
and I saw you capable, when on your shoulders you taught me the whole world.

Up there, far from the ground, just you, me and the rest,
a cloud tail, which I wanted to grab,
the wind and the sky, which I wanted to reach,
I stayed with the sun's rays, which I stroked with my fingers.

And at night the moon, get on my dad!
You could tell me that it is far away
Pick me up high, I want to touch her!
and you took me and helped me to believe it.

Yesterday I was little, today I still am,
we no longer touch the clouds or the polar star,
today my dreams are something different,
but I still see you smile and see you cry.

I love you Papa.

And I take advantage of these words to wish all parents a very Happy Father's Day.