"Father with a couple. How to survive your second child?", The new book by Frank Blanco

He already told us about “How to be a first-time father and not die trying and now the author returns with a second book dedicated to fatherhood.” Father with a couple. How to survive your second child? "Is the work of Frank Blanco after being a father for the second time.

The book is presented as a second opportunity to live and laugh with him the experience of fatherhood: because sometimes the second parts were very good. Why else would we repeat with more than one child? Because the diapers, the cries, the pacifiers are doubled ... but also the paternal love.

And since it is not about reliving the same experience, but that each child is a different world, this new approach to parenthood makes sense to us, which reveals other facets of babies and ourselves.

With a tone similar to the previous book, close, that mentions the reader, the 224-page book is full of contemporary cultural references; musical, cinematographic and television, with a humor "monologuista" that jokes joke and joke.

In this way we will discover, among the teasing, some really; identifying with some of the scenes and the feelings we find in "Father with a couple" (and others finding them clearly exaggerated). Again we have the "blanconsejos" that approximate the title to a guide for parents but with a lot of humor and without pretensions:

Under the cushion of the living room sofa is a Dora the Explorer ball, three pacifiers, and a piece of bitten paper? Does your kitchen have two new chairs like bar stools, but with a belt? Do you eat at a table for stress? Is your house a "flush toys"? Blanconsejo: Assume it, your house will be a disaster.

If you are curious to know a little more how the book takes place, from here you can download the first chapter in pdf., Entitled "To the second children of rock and roll, welcome."

"Father with a couple. How to survive your second child?", Frank Blanco's book, is published by Today's topics and costs 17'90 euros (9'99 in electronic edition). A guide for "secundizos" parents nothing conventional, casual and with the sole intention of making the reader have a fun time. It is up to each one whether they get it or not ...

Official Site | Planet of books In Babies and more | DVD "Welcome to life", instruction manual for first-time parents, "Dad, the child is also yours": funny manual for first-time parents, Comic: "Guide for desperately inexperienced parents"

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