The Science Museum of Valencia brings science to children during Easter holidays

The Science Museum 'Prince Felipe' of Valencia (in the City of Arts and Sciences - CAC -); offers during the Easter holidays demonstrations and workshops for children who can choose thematic and schedule.

In the Valencian Autonomous Community, it can be said that Spring break has just begun, since they had class until yesterday, and the rest period will last until Monday 28 or Tuesday 29 (in the towns that celebrate San Vicente). One of the activities is called the 'Science on Stage', and allows visitors be surprised with live experiments that last 45 minutes.

If you approach with the children you can choose between 'Cold, Cold' (at 11.45); 'Chemical Magic' (at 17.15) and 'Horror in a vacuum' (at 16 hours). This will be until April 28.

Also, on days 18, 20, 21, 23, 25 and 27, at 13 hours, the workshop 'aLUZina' will amaze us. The price of these sessions is € 2.05 each. The entrance of the Museum is not necessary.

Scientists for a day

It is also possible opt for a very interesting workshop called 'Scientist for a day', and to do it it is necessary to buy the entrance to the Museum. The performance room is set as if it were a laboratory, and there are waiting for children test tubes, sticky substances, and flours.

It will take place on April 19, 22, 24, 26 and 28 at 1 pm, and it is a good opportunity to bring children closer to science, almost real, because they will hypothesize, and experiment with matter.

As always, the Science Museum, offering very motivating proposals for children.

Video: Spider-Man: Far From Home. Official Trailer (May 2024).