Water exercise during pregnancy: all benefits

The pool is a great ally of the pregnant woman and, if there is no contraindication, exercising in the water can make pregnancy more healthy and you feel better physically and mentally.

Researchers at the University of Granada have shown that perform a program of moderate physical exercise in the aquatic environment during pregnancy It helps prevent weight gain, gestational diabetes and also reduces the number of C-sections.

These are just some of the benefits, since in addition to these exercises, fewer macrosomic babies are born (more than four kilos at birth), breastfeeding is prolonged and the probability of suffering postpartum depression decreases.

You will also find it rewarding when it comes to rest better and is that another benefit of the practice of exercise during pregnancy, also in the water, is that you rest better, increasing the quality of sleep. And this is a very important factor in the final stretch of pregnancy, when finding the right rest becomes more difficult ...

The water exercise program is followed by more than one hundred pregnant women between week 20 and 37, which specifically exercise muscles, tendons and ligaments involved in childbirth, following the recommendations of the American College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians and the American College of Sports Medicine.

These are exercises aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor and the muscles involved in pregnancy and childbirth, together with cardiovascular swimming technique exercises to achieve an adequate physical fitness of the pregnant woman.

And something also important and that we often do not value enough: psychological well-being. Because when exercising, the woman feels better, more relaxed and more lively to face day to day and childbirth.

In short, both for everyday life and for the time of delivery, water exercise brings multiple benefits to the pregnant woman. Now that summer is coming, surely many pregnant women are encouraged, but without forgetting the sunscreen and all the safety tips!