Almost 40% of Spanish students take some delay course with respect to their age in 4th ESO

Graph 2 used in the image shows the evolution of the suitability rates (Relationship between school personnel who are enrolled in the theoretical course appropriate for their age and the population of that age) throughout the time series from 2001-2002 to 2011-2012. It shows a stability in the two theoretical ages corresponding to Primary Education (8 and 10 years). Similarly, the 12-year suitability rate remains relatively stable during this period. But nevertheless the suitability rates of students aged 14 and 15 gradually decrease from the 2001-2002 academic year to the 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 courses, from which the rates begin to increase again. Even so, at all ages, the suitability rates for the 2011-2012 academic year are still lower than at the beginning of the series.

The data comes from the work State system of education indicators 2014 which responds to the challenge of the Organic Law for the improvement of educational quality (LOMCE) with which the Spanish education system can be known and make decisions to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of said system. In view of these indicators, it can be inferred that there is a serious problem in secondary school with almost 40% of students with some delay course with respect to their age in 4th ESO. By sex, women reach higher suitability rates than men at all ages considered, the difference being greater as the age increases.

The report can be obtained by following the link below Ministry of Education and you can access the numerous tables and graphs to have a better analysis and obtain your own conclusions.

Too The report includes PISA analysis, for the year 2012, which defines scientific competence as “scientific knowledge and the use that can be made of that knowledge to identify questions, acquire new knowledge, explain scientific phenomena and reach conclusions based on scientific evidence on issues of this type . Includes the understanding of the characteristics of science as a form of knowledge and research. It also drives the awareness that science and technology organize our material and intellectual environment and the willingness to be interested in issues and ideas related to science, as reflective citizens. ”

About PISA we talk a lot in Peques and Más and we will continue to do so because we still have many challenges to reach. In the meantime I am left with the feeling that the students as they grow tend to repeat course and I find it very worrying.

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