How to get kids to get used to brushing their teeth

He dental care It is a custom that has to apply since childhood to avoid pain and visits to the dentist especially in adolescence. The challenge is to get the kids to get used to brush their teeth after each meal and also brush them with a little paste at least twice a day. Pasta may include fluorine because it has been proven that it is effective in preventing tooth decay especially in children over six years old.

We also recommend visit the dentist at least once a year so that it controls that everything goes normally and because it can advise us the best brush for our son. Among the rules to be followed is that of brush your teeth three times a day always after each meal and especially before bedtime. Also that the brushing time should not be less than two minutes and that it must be done with vertical movements and dragged on the teeth. We also recommend brushing the tongue, rinsing with mouthwash or oral elixir to avoid infections, in the case of children a mouthwash without alcohol and low fluoride concentration.

Other rules that we have to remember periodically with the little ones are, change the toothbrush every three months, go to the dentist at least once a year to detect any problem early and treat it before it starts to cause pain. And then a family cleaning and dental hygiene ceremony: brushing your teeth with them, teaching them the importance of hygiene, correcting their movements with the brush and encouraging them to be clean.

The purpose of all these recommendations is for children to acquire certain habits that will benefit them in the future. Because poor care in childhood, especially after the departure of definitive teeth, can cause too many disorders in adulthood.

In Peques and More | Dental care
Image | Patrick

Video: How to Properly Clean Your Teeth (May 2024).