Did you know that one third of Spanish students exceed the weight limit recommended in their backpacks?

It is true that recently we saw this simple video of the Hospital Sant Joan de Deu, in which Dr. Julita Medina Cantillo, gave us basic notions for the election of a safe school bag, and its subsequent placement.

But I would like to expand the information with details offered as every year by the College Medical Organization and the Kovacs Foundation, objective cube is the same: prevent back pain among children, and reduce its impact on your adult life.

On this occasion, they not only focus on reducing the high weight of school supplies, but also underline the importance of regular physical exercise.

Moving the body ... avoiding backaches

Exercise is an effective measure for the prevention of back pain. It is because its effect is exerted through both specific mechanisms (as resistance or coordination of the muscles) as nonspecific (improves blood risk and increases confidence in physical ability, among others).

The president of the Kovacs Foundation clarifies that regularity in the practice of physical exercise or sport is more important than the type of activity chosen.

Scientific studies show that physical activity is necessary for the spine to acquire its definitive form, and exercising periodically reduces the risk of back ailments and increases the likelihood that if pain appears, it is short duration

Upload school supplies

Factors such as excessive weight, an incorrect way to transport it, even inappropriate school furniture, too are factors associated with a higher risk of back pain.

Remember that the weight of the backpack should not exceed 10 percent of the school weight (maximum 15%), and despite that the available data indicate that one third of school children exceed that limit.

International studies show that schoolchildren who have lockers in their schools suffer less back pain, not being forced to carry so much weight.

Students should not carry more weight than necessary, and whenever the classrooms have some type of system to store books (lockers for example, or lockers in Secondary) should be used.

Backpacks with wheels are a good alternative, and if they have braces, we insist that it should be placed near the body, with the lower part in the lower back, and fastened with a belt.

Also comment that "The Back Comics" celebrates its twelfth edition by distributing copies of this publication of the Kovacs Foundation, through the Ministry of Education of the different Autonomies. It is thus intended to cover the entire territory, and to make this nice comics arrive at the schools. If you are interested, you can also download it here.

Video: 5 Signs You're Taking Cycling Too Seriously. GCN Show Ep. 348 (May 2024).