Interesting Articles 2024


International mother tongue day, the first thing babies recognize

UNESCO has proclaimed that on February 21, International Mother Language Day will be celebrated. And why do we bring this celebration to the blog? Because the mother tongue is the first thing babies recognize, even since they are in the womb. The mother's voice is detected by the baby around the 20th week of gestation, being the strongest stimulus she receives from outside.

Congratulate Christmas with a snowball battle

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today! Surely you all know the video Christmas congratulations of the dancing elves. These congratulations are created by JibJab, a website where you can customize videos and photos to send at any time of the year and for any event. On the occasion of the arrival of Christmas, in addition to the aforementioned dance with our faces in the bodies of the elves, JibJab offers various customizable videos.

Parental love can alleviate the effects of poverty on health

When a family has few resources, the risk of heart disease and mental and physical illness increases. It is believed that stress and deficiencies that may come from having a low socioeconomic status cause exaggerated functioning of the immune system of children, which activates genes and releases proteins that produce, in some situations, inflammation of various areas of the body .

Millions of sperm for a single baby

Men produce millions of sperm every day, all prepared for a great race to fertilization. It may be surprising to think that so many gametes are spent for a single egg that will receive them, but this huge production is necessary to ensure that at least one of them exceeds the barriers of the dangerous race that awaits them.

Ultrasound early in pregnancy

Ultrasound is a technique that uses sound waves to show images of the baby inside the mother's womb. Ultrasound, which would refer to the technique used, is also known as ultrasound, sonogram or ultrasonogram, and does not present the disadvantages of radiation (for example, X-rays) to have an image of the inside of the body.

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The video of the Futuroscope robots dance with the music of DJ Martin Solveig

In this exciting video you can see how robots perform their dance to the rhythm of the music of DJ Martin Solveig in Futuroscope. Martin can be seen on the screens that decorate the room and also the five of the ten robots that are in the attraction. The video shows the full duration of an attraction, more than a minute and a half, and I think it is level 3 that appears in the foreground, in the background you can see other robots that perform other movements and other programs of the three available.

8 tricks for parturients and their best recovery

It does not matter if the delivery lasted two hours or a whole day, if the mother is first-time or multiparous ... Dark circles, weakness and tiredness due to physical exertion, liabilities, discomfort if there have been points, physical and psychological demand of the newborn, the temporary goodbye to prolonged rest, the establishment of breastfeeding and the feeling of failure or frustration if there is any setback, are some of the difficulties women experience after giving birth.

"Sleep without crying": how to rest at night without letting our baby cry

When in 2006 I entered the world of babies, when the first of my children was born, in the search for information that could help Miriam and me to live fatherhood and motherhood with less anxiety and less external pressures to do things that we They seemed logical, but very criticized, we found a forum called Sleep without crying in which bad nights were a recurring theme and the solutions and empathy of the participants was the general tonic.

A good breakfast, essential to go to school

Sometimes it costs a lot, a lot, for breakfast early. They are more worried about sleep than they have to take energy. But it is essential that children have breakfast every day, especially if an intense day awaits them later. Not having a good breakfast before going to school impairs children's school performance and favors childhood obesity.

Funny snack recipes for school leaving

As Mireia explained to us last week, many times we tend to give our children anything to snack in order to satisfy the hunger with which they leave school. We can offer you a little snack when you leave school and then, when you get home, give them a more succulent snack.

Highlights in Babies and more: June 1-7

Today Monday, as every week, we bring you a summary with the highlights of the week, in these days of the beginning of June and it seems that summer wants to settle in our latitudes. This week has been marked by an unfortunate case of the very serious child admitted for diphtheria who his parents did not want to vaccinate.

Mug yogurt cake ideal for breakfast and snacks. Recipe

Today we are going to prepare a Yogurt Mug cake, ideal for breakfast and snacks. It is a very simple recipe that we will prepare in the microwave in less than two minutes and that only requires about five minutes of previous preparation. Also in this recipe our children can help us without problem.

A mother recreates the image with which Beyoncé presented her twins

Two days ago Beyoncé posted a beautiful image on Instagram presenting her twins. Beautiful but quite unreal, posing as if it were a kind of Virgin (at least it gives that feeling), and holding her babies in an impractical way, exposed to the sun. It's not a criticism, actually (well, I hope they weren't too long in the sun and it wasn't too hot), but a description of something we're all quite used to: the celebrities show us, too often, an image of themselves that doesn't really exist.

Napping is healthy

For children, the nap is very necessary. In addition to helping them recover worn energy, regular breaks during the day will improve sleep at night. While they sleep, the growth hormone reaches its highest level of production, so they will be growing while taking a restful and comforting nap.

KitCaixa in schools for young entrepreneurs aged 14 to 18

Lately it seems that everything is entrepreneurship, do it yourself, byod (bring your own device) and take advantage of Your Opportunity. The fact is that we are probably witnessing a new way of relating in the workplace. Large companies are becoming less frequent, due to globality, and what remains is a long line of dynamic, innovative, facilitating and willing companies to rethink over time.

Three enemies of childhood obesity

The effects had already been investigated separately, but it is the first time that a study considers the joint effects of certain behaviors that can be considered as three enemies of childhood obesity: excessive television, poor rest and not sharing the table at family. Of course, it goes without saying that a sedentary lifestyle and a hypercaloric diet are also, but what the American researchers who have carried out the study wanted to highlight is that habits that we may not have as much in mind as children spend too many hours in front of the television, that they rest badly or a low frequency of family meals are directly related to childhood obesity.