Being obsessed with the calendar is not good for conceiving

Today, the current lifestyle, stress and being parents at increasingly late ages make couples less and less fertile years to conceive a child.

This means that those who decide to have a baby are not willing to waste too much time searching. That's when the calendar begins to be the absolute protagonist of the couple's life, turning the desire to have a child into a race against the clock to achieve a pregnancy as soon as possible.

Being aware exclusively of what the fertile days are is not a good method to conceive. The only thing we achieve is that the calendar, instead of being an ally to achieve pregnancy, is transformed into a double-edged sword. According to doctors, This creates more stress, harming life as a couple, sexual life and therefore, the chances of becoming pregnant..

Dr. Agustín Moreno, coordinator of the Psychology interest group of the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF) and psychologist at the Reproduction Tambre Clinic in Madrid, explains: "In this way, distressed couples who have planned their fatherhood are conscientiously engaged in a period governed by the fertile calendar, something that also reduces the chances of conceiving a child by natural means."

In the end, being on the calendar the days to make love generates an obsession that is unhealthy for the couple. Doctors recommend that when looking for a baby the sex life that was carried is not altered, trying to be as normal as possible.

Therefore, to stop looking at the calendar so much, to relax, to be happy and to enjoy life as a couple, which is the best method to get pregnant.