What should be the objective of Education?

Well, linking with the question that I proposed yesterday in the section of the question of the week, I want to share with you this video that has impressed me for its lucidity and clarity. This is an interview with the philosopher and linguist Noam Chomsky and the question he faces is this: What should be the objective of Education?

Noam Chomsky is professor emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of the most prestigious educational institutions in the world, and is recognized as one of the most important contemporary thinkers. In this video, reflect on Education, its objective and its organization.

He proposes to reflect on whether Education must be an instrument of personal growth and freedom or an instrument of control and obedience. It will also challenge us to think about the use of new technologies and the real usefulness of exams, which rather than evaluating the student in a memorization obstacle course should help the student to evaluate their learning and the teacher their way of teaching A very accurate vision of the reality of the education system.

Chomsky's proposal on the objective of Education He is brave, accurate and nothing conformist, critical of immobility and betting on creativity and critical thinking. I love the way you see Education, and you?