Do not forget to celebrate Carnival, but do not stop controlling risks for children

Next Tuesday is Carnival Tuesday, and after it, Lent will lead to seven weeks in which "the party is not allowed according to tradition." The Old Lent aims to "wait for us", although we will surely find other reasons to celebrate anything when we can keep the costumes.

Dressing up is educational, attractive, and not without fun, but as we always say, to get full fun, first we will think about security. That is why the National Child Safety Association gives us some advice, thanks to which we can combine the party with safety.

Main recommendations with costumes:

  • In case we buy it we must make sure that it complies with the CE marking (indicating the composition, the risks of misuse, the manufacturer's data and whether or not it is suitable for children under 36 months).

  • Whether purchased or manufactured by us, both the costume and the accessories cannot cause injuries due to its use (wounds and cuts), nor have small pieces or hair that can detach causing a suffocation in case of ingestion (remember that costumes often have very striking colors and shapes, hence the importance of choosing a very safe costume for children under 3 years).

  • Both fabric and accessories (including wigs) must be fire resistant. Some accessories (guns, swords, etc.) include batteries, in the same way as with toys they cannot be manipulated or accessible by the child.

  • Costume size (including shoes) must be appropriate to the child's measure: if it is too big it will cause trips and falls; If it is too small it prevents mobility and can be dangerous in the neck and head area.

  • Avoid ropes in caps, as well as hoods and pendants in those younger children, not being aware of the risk and of the game and experimentation, these elements can cause asphyxiation; in any case they present a risk of being hooked.

  • He makeup must be from natural products, especially for babies and / or children with more sensitive skin, avoiding allergic reactions. Do not let children manipulate makeup, it can come into contact with the eyes or mouth.

  • The masks, masks and caps they must always allow the child to be properly visible, as well as the air intake. Avoid holding the neck, and in any case watch so that it is never at that height, either because they are lowered or manipulated by themselves.

In related activities:

We remember some tips for the typical rustic and carnival parades, the prevention measures that we must adopt in acts of large agglomerations
  • We must be aware that what the act consists of, the type of audience that attends, the risks arising from the activity and act accordingly, letting only those children who by age, skills and abilities acquired be able to perform them without risks participate.

  • If the activity or departure is at night, include in the costume some reflective element so that they can be seen.

  • In school trips, do not claim the child or make him nervous, once he has seen you, respect the rhythm established by the center, in this way the security imposed by those responsible is maintained, protecting all children.

  • Plan the departure, offering and locating available resources in case any child misleads and is lost: a meeting point where to meet, instilling in them that security professionals are there to help them. Also explain and make them participants in other protection measures: write down the phone number on the arm, wear an identification or geolocation bracelet, etc., nobody better than you knows your child, nobody better than you can anticipate for their protection and Education, and especially do not delegate to other people, is your responsibility.

  • In some places the roads and carnival parades resemble the Three Kings' parades, the passage of floats implies a great risk for children if they cross the security zone, so explain the need not to cross the protection lines Keep it in hand, sharing and dialoguing about the show you are watching, be you also participate in the party, it is the best way for everyone to enjoy the best security!

It's really just about anticipate a little, and act with common sense, it is not necessary to participate with children in activities that involve a risk, because what we most want is to have a nice memory, right?

Images | Garry Knight, KNOW MALTA by Peter Grima Vía | National Association of Child Safety in Peques and More | Do you want to celebrate Halloween for sure? Let's start with the costumes

Video: Cruise Mishaps and Funnies - Livestream (July 2024).