
Last week I read in the newspaper Ideal de Granada a story that reached my heart. The protagonist of the news is called Miguel Ángel Delgado, pediatrician and musician, two very remote professions that he manages to combine, and even complement one with the other. So I decided to contact him and learn more about his life, why he chose a medical specialty so poorly valued among his colleagues and what brings the universal language of music to his little patients.

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First they were "The Jungle Book" and "Beauty and the Beast", and after the success achieved, Disney has been presenting other real action remakes of several of its classics, such as "Aladdin", "Dumbo" and "The Lion King". But the show does not end here, and the animation factory has announced that it is already working on upcoming and expected premieres, which will include the adaptation of the mythical and beautiful story of "The Lady and the Tramp", which is being filmed With real dogs.

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In Australia, some 30-year-old parents have lost custody of their children and have been sentenced to 18 months in commutable prison for the serious state of health in which their young daughter was, who imposed a strict vegan diet without any type of medical control. So much so, that at 19 months the girl looked like a baby of only three, according to Australian media.

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The Ministry of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare has warned of a worrying rebound in sexually transmitted infections among young people. Not surprisingly, according to the latest Epidemiological Surveillance data collected annually by the Carlos III Health Institute, diseases such as gonorrhea or syphilis have experienced a rise in several percentage points over past years.

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80 cases of listeriorisis have already been confirmed in Andalusia due to the consumption of meatloaf: 56 people are still admitted, four of them in Intensive Care Units (ICU). Among them, there are about 15 pregnant women hospitalized. And is that eating food contaminated with the listeria monocytogenes bacteria, can cause the delivery to go ahead or even the loss of the baby.

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Is it possible to be pregnant with triplets but not know until a few hours before giving birth, being also the mother of two other children? Incredible as it may be, this is what has happened to a woman from South Dakota (United States), who gave birth to three babies on August 10 in the 34th week of gestation, after a pregnancy that had passed completely unnoticed by the absence of symptoms.

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Although there are couples for whom it is not important to know the sex of the baby during pregnancy, others do fervently want the child they expect to be a boy or girl, although in our country this choice is not allowed if it is not for therapeutic purposes. But Japanese scientists could change everything after developing a method of easy application that would allow separating sperm with female chromosomes from male.

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Jeffrey is six years old and has cerebral palsy that affects his movement and coordination. And his difficulties in walking get worse when he is cold, because his muscles tense. That is what happened on his last visit to a water park. But when his mother, Andrea Mackey, was going to come to his aid, he was surprised to find that two of his friends, only five years old, had chosen to take his hand and help him walk, instead of running into the water.

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It is not quite usual yet, but on more than one occasion we have echoed the assistance of a mother with her baby to parliaments around the world. Work and family reconciliation is difficult and mothers seek their strategies so as not to neglect any of them. Therefore, we were surprised that even men continue to recriminate a woman, because as an exceptional case she has been forced to go 'to work' with her son, having no one to take care of him.

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Have you noticed that in some places when a woman is pregnant, other women around her also give the news soon? It is not your imagination, pregnancy is really contagious and even, this is a fact that has been scientifically proven by several studies. In Babies and more, we have shared curious stories of coworkers whose pregnancies coincided in time, showing us that indeed, pregnancy is contagious, however, we had never seen anything like what we will share today: 36 nurses of a Care Unit Neonatal Intensives (NICU) in the United States welcome their babies this year.

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8.8% of Spanish women are 40 years old or older when they have their first child. It is one of the data from the latest Eurostat statistic on the age of mothers in Europe published yesterday. According to the European statistical agency, in 2017 (last year for which data are available) we have 'the honor' of being together with Italy, the European country where women are mothers at a later age.

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