In the last 20 years the number of premature babies has increased 200%

They are data from Association of Parents Premature Children (APREM), according to which, in the last 20 years the number of late preterm births would have increased 200%. This group of premature babies is formed by those born before the 32nd week of gestation or those who at birth weigh less than 1,500 grams. They are the group that presents the greatest risk and difficulties in getting ahead.

According to the WHO, prematurity is the second leading cause of death in children under five.

A child is considered premature if born before the 37th week of pregnancy. Every year the world is born more than 15 million premature children, which makes one in ten children born early. Only in Europe are born half a million premature babies of which more than 19,000 do so in Spain, which places us as one of the countries with the highest rate.

However, according to data from Ministry of Statistics The global number of premature infants has been decreasing in recent years, which experts say is largely due to the fact that less assisted pregnancies occur with the crisis, which are considered as one of the causes of premature delivery.

"One of the aspects that affect the growth of premature children are assisted fertilization techniques, possibly now the crisis is less resorted, it is seen that it is falling in relative terms of prematurely born children," said the vice president of APREM, Concepción Gómez Esteban.

Premature children

Premature infants have a higher risk of suffering from diseases compared to those born at term and depending on their degree of prematurity will influence the chances of presenting some serious complication such as cerebral palsy, sensory deficit, etc.

According to a study by Gómez Esteban, who has carried out the research carried out by the National Plan in premature children below 1,500 grams, since 1993 and 2011, where 1,200 families have participated, some conclusions can be derived:

-There has been a reduction in major disabilities in large premature babies.
-The learning disorders are still observed.
-The great premature ones need a lot of support throughout the entire schooling process and its development.

"Preventing disability is profitable for the whole society, it is not just the quality of life or your health"

The study makes clear the challenge for these families to take these children forward, often without any help from the administrations. These children cannot attend childcare for the first two years and usually need specialized help and numerous medical visits, which consumes a large amount of resources.

"Preventing disability is profitable for the whole society, it is not only the quality of life or their health, but it prevents the development of a disability," says Gomez Esteban, who recalls that It is essential to treat the baby the first months.