Being the older sister could be to blame for one of those extra kilos

According to a study of more than 26,000 Swedish women, being the older sister is 30% more likely to be overweight and 40% more likely to be obese.

Pediatric endocrinology researchers at the Liggins Institute in New Zealand have relied on Swedish pediatric records that have been carried out since 1973, taking as reference the sisters who were at least 18 years old since the date of entry into the registry. All this has led them to suspect that being the older sister could be to blame for any of those extra kilos.

Investigators they suspect that the conditions of the mother's womb change during the first pregnancy, the blood vessels are closer together which causes the first-timers to be exposed to a uterus that begins a process of fat regulation and metabolism reprogramming.

The study also found similar relationships between male brothers, in them, The older brother is not only more likely to be heavier but also to develop high blood pressure and increased insulin resistance.

According to him Professor V. Joseph Hotz It is important to note that this influence has nothing to do with genes and that it is merely environmental and dependent on the environment in which the embryo developed.

This study may shed some light on the unexplained situation in which two sisters who have practically the same habits end up gaining more weight than the other.

According to him Professor Sulloway from the University of California, this different metabolism in the firstborn could have been an evolutionary advantage in the intimacy by allowing it to be larger and maintain more energy reserves in the body.

But do not blame our kilos for being the oldest, it is very likely that these cañitas and tortilla skewers at breakfast time are the real culprits, but they say that he who does not comfort is because he does not want to.