Mother's Day: the best gift you can receive

After all week trying to keep it "secret", yesterday I received in advance the most beautiful gift a mother can receive: The first gift made by his own son.

As fortunately he tells me everything he does in the store, it was impossible that it was a surprise.

In recent days there have been some failed acts in the style of "Mommy, can I tell you that we are making a flower to give to moms or is it a secret?" with whom it was impossible not to laugh and at the same time eat her with kisses.

Yesterday was the last day of school, the day the children would take home the “surprise” gift they had made for moms.

So when I went to pick her up, she barely saw me appear through the door all nervously exclaimed "the gift!" And followed "Mom, I have a surprise, I did it alone", forgetting his previous dismissals.

Even when I was ready to receive it, when she handed me the flower wrapped in green cellophane paper, my throat was knotted. We hugged each other, I dropped my socks and even a tear.

His teacher told him that he should deliver it to me on Sunday, but logically his anxiety prevented him, so when we got home we opened it and he told me the details of the handmade elaboration with dyed salts of various colors. (Poor teacher!)

Although that of doing it completely with his own hands with less than three years is to doubt, the mere fact that he has been dedicated for a while to give me a gift melts me.

I placed the flower in a privileged place in the house where I can see it every so often. Later I will keep it forever in my memory box with a note that says: my first Mother's Day gift.