How to avoid food poisoning in hot weather?

From the Hospital La Candelaria de Tenerife we ​​are told that the high temperatures of the summer months favor development of microorganisms that contaminate food and that when ingested, can lead to gastroenteritis, the most frequent produced by salmonella. These conditions are more serious in children because of the risk of dehydration.

Washing your hands and raw food properly, maintaining your refrigeration chain and not taking pre-cooked products away from home that do not maintain minimum conditions suitable for consumption, would avoid most food poisoning in summer. In summer we neglect even little our eating habits, and we make mistakes when peparar and conserve food: For example, it is common to store the leftovers of a dish in the refrigerator, and observe how only 24 hours have elapsed as they have been damaged.

Expert recommendations:

  • Wash your hands before, during and after preparing food, as well as kitchen utensils after using them with uncooked food.

  • Disinfect fruits and vegetables immersing them in water with drops of bleach.

  • Do not consume raw or unpasteurized milk, nor eggs or raw or undercooked meat.

  • Dispense with the preparation of homemade sauces.

  • Prepare the menu or food as soon as possible before consumption and when they are ready, ingest them as soon as possible.

  • Avoid cross contamination of products separating raw meat from other foods; Thaw meat and fish completely and keep them in the refrigerator until cooked.

  • Keep food at the right temperature, do not refreeze and do not take food from establishments that do not have protection systems such as display cabinets or refrigerators.

Salmonellosis or other causes gastroenteritis can cause vomiting and diarrhea causing fluid and electrolyte losses causing dehydration, thirst, headache, weakness, dizziness, drowsiness, tiredness, difficulty concentrating, lowering blood pressure. If it is not corrected or prolonged in time, it can alter the functioning of other organs such as the kidney

A large number of cases of gastroenteritis are self-limited and will not require medical assistance.; With rest, diet and adequate hydration will suffice. To do this, liquids in sufficient quantity will be ingested (being able to use solutions of homemade serum or salts of oral rehydration that can be acquired in pharmacies without a prescription), water, natural juices, broths made with carbohydrates.

To take into account that some pediatricians advise against the homemade preparation of liquid solutions to rehydrate (with lemon, baking soda, ...) because many of us don't know the exact amounts of each ingredient.

In healthy adults, you can fast for 24/48 hours and as nausea and vomiting disappears and appetite increases, a diet with soft and astringent foods such as cooked rice, applesauce, crispbread can be introduced; Avoid foods rich in fiber, fried foods, milk and derivatives, except yogurts. Fasting in children should be consulted with the pediatrician beforehand.

Remember that the fact of finding ourselves in our vacation spot should not be a reason to neglect food safety.