Omega 3: don't miss this summer at your table

He Omega 3 It is a type of unsaturated fats that is essential for the proper functioning of the body and above all, it can benefit us during pregnancy, so try Don't miss this summer at your table to take care of your health and that of the developing child.

What omega 3 offers us in pregnancy

The omega 3 in the body promotes blood circulation by contributing to the reduction of bad cholesterol and preventing its accumulation in the arteries. Therefore, in pregnancy its consumption is associated with a lower risk of preeclampsia.

Also, the intake of omega 3 has been linked to better brain function and better emotional healthTherefore, if omega 3 is not lacking in your diet, you have less risk of depression.

Particularly in summer, omega 3 take care of our skin, reducing the risk of skin allergies, eczema and dryness. Also, omega 3 raise our body's defenses and it takes us away from all kinds of diseases.

The advantages of consuming omega 3 not only have an impact on pregnant women, but also on the baby in gestation, as it reduces the incidence of colds in babies and also ensures proper brain development and better cognitive functioning, since the intake of this type of fat is associated with greater intelligence in children.

As we can see, there are many reasons to take care of the intake of omega 3 in pregnancy.

Don't miss omega 3 on your table

For don't miss omega 3 on your table this summer And you can enjoy its benefits, we tell you what are the main sources of this type of fat that you can include in your diet:

  • Fatty or blue fish: we will avoid those of great size that can accumulate mercury and that are not advised in pregnancy such as swordfish or tuna and we will include about 3 times per week canned tuna, sardines, herring, salmon, mackerel, anchovy, or horse mackerel.
  • Nuts: Although all can be consumed during pregnancy, we will choose mainly walnuts which are the most omega 3 concentrate in its composition.
  • Seeds: seeds are another alternative to obtain polyunsaturated fats in the diet, but we must take into account that they are flax seeds or linseed and those of chia those that have the highest amount of omega 3.
  • Quinoa: It is a pseudocereal that we can use such as rice in salads, stews or sauteed. It is a good source of omega 3 among plant foods.
  • Oats: as part of a breakfast, to breach meats or to accompany a milk or yogurt, we can use oatmeal instead of commercial cereals, as it is a good way to obtain omega 3.
  • Vegetable oils: All oils have unsaturated fatty acids in different proportions, but those that can offer us more omega 3 are the oil soy, flax or walnut.

With these alternatives you can guarantee don't miss omega 3 on your table this summer and promote good health during pregnancy.